As a church leader, you know well the realities of ministry in challenging times. Big changes in the external environment have, in many ways, caught up with us as leaders and churches. As one minister said recently, “Almost everything I learned about doing ministry, preaching, and helping the church grow doesn’t work anymore.” The haunting questions are not about programs or methods, rather, capacities—“Do we have the necessary capacities as leaders to adapt and thrive in the future?” This question compels us in HOPE Network to think and act in proactive ways with ministers and elders.
This two-hour adaptive change preview event will consist of:
- A conversation about current realities of your church and ministry
- A presentation about preparing for an uncertain future
- An invitation to build your leadership’s capacity to thrive in the future
…and connecting with other church leaders in encouraging ways is always helpful!
Additional Details:
When: September 11th or 18th (7:00pm-9:00pm)
* Highland Oaks Church of Christ (Dallas) on September 11th
* North Davis Church of Christ (Arlington) on September 18th
Who is Encouraged to Attend: As many members of your LEADERSHIP GROUP (elders and ministers) as possible
Click here to begin the registration process for your group!