10 Practical Steps for Recruiting Volunteers

by Shannon Rains   The start of the school year typically brings a flurry of activity in our church’s education ministry. Leading education has many challenges, and recruiting is one of the most critical, yet dreaded, tasks. If I ask any team of ministers about the biggest struggle in their ministry, someone (probably the children’s […]

Successions in Leadership

by Scott Laird   If you have been reading the Christian Chronicle lately you have noticed the preacher shortage in our fellowship. Individual congregations can make a difference in this struggle. Since 2000 the Great Falls church of Christ in Great Falls, Montana, has worked with nine men and their families to prepare them for […]

Mentorship Matters: The Journey Together

by Jordan McDonald   I don’t know if I’m young or old anymore. I turn 30 today and in one sense feel as though life has passed me by, in another sense I feel like I’m just starting. I have been in formal leadership roles since I graduated from college. Even so, last year while […]

Leaders with the Skill of Adaptability

by Becky Burroughs   “A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.”  Helen Keller  Born in 1880, Helen Keller, author, political activist, and lecturer, was the first person born blind and deaf to earn a Bachelors Degree. Her exquisite ability to adapt set her […]

Community Is Diversity

by Jon Anderson If your extended family is anything like mine, you have some members on the far right, politically speaking, some on the far left, and everything in between. And, over the past several years, the differences seem to have intensified, straining our relationships. In many ways, the family is a microcosm of a […]

What Trends Are We Seeing?

  By Grady King There is a tendency to think that your congregation is the only one going through some challenging things. This sense of isolation opens the door for discouragement, even feeling overwhelmed. If you identify with these feelings, you are not alone. We, in HOPE Network (HN) lead with listening as we engage […]

Citizens of Heaven

by Ann McMurray Last year, a national Gallup poll showed the political divide in this country “drifting further and further apart,” concluding, “This confirms the fundamental foundation for any analysis of U.S. politics – the fact that individual’s political identity is highly correlated with their views of social and policy issues, resulting in substantial differences […]

Support and Guidance for the Election Season

by Pat Bills Someone asked my (late) friend Landon Saunders if he was afraid of dying. His response was classic: “If I am honest I am a little afraid of dying… but I wouldn’t mind missing the next election!” My hunch is if we took a poll in our churches many would feel the same […]

Christians and Politics

by Gena Granberg When I moved from the South to the Northwest in 2021, I felt firsthand the tensions surrounding politics. Events made me not just hesitant, but almost fearful, to address any political topic. Yet as a Christian, I believe we bring insight and attitudes that could—and should—leaven our emotionally charged context. As the […]

Volunteer Training

by Kaley Ihfe Romans 12:6 “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” Churches couldn’t exist without volunteers. We call volunteering in church “being a part of the body,” and we expect all members to use their gifts for the good of the body.   Current volunteer trends in the nonprofit […]