Archive for Grady King

What Trends Are We Seeing?

  By Grady King There is a tendency to think that your congregation is the only one going through some challenging things. This sense of isolation opens the door for discouragement, even feeling overwhelmed. If you identify with these feelings, you are not alone. We, in HOPE Network (HN) lead with listening as we engage […]


The language of trauma has become a part of our general consciousness, but the church has been slower to engage in the questions and challenges that are raised by our increasing awareness of how trauma shapes and misshapes both people and communities. As a theologian who works centers around these questions these are ten (though […]

Reflections On Leadership and Suffering

By Grady King I am not boasting. I spend a great deal of time listening to church leaders—of providing encouragement, admonishment, and at times, rebuke. The list of church leaders who are in pain, weary, or experiencing some form of discouragement is growing. Some of them simply need rest.  Others need to resign. And still, […]

Engaging the Future as Leaders and Congregations

by Grady D. King, D.Min Most leaders and congregations know the term “normal” means the future will not be like the past. What it looks like in terms of people in the pew, programs, and mission is uncertain. The loss of regular attendees is a pandemic reality. Empty pews translate to anxiety. If we only […]

What I’m Learning in HOPE Network

Grady D. King, D. Min   The call went something like this. Church Leader: “Could you help us find a minister?” Me: Tell me about your church. Church Leader: “We have some good people. We just need the right minister.” Me: Why would a minister with the characteristics you describe want to come? Sounds […]

Church Leadership that’s Stuck? You Can Get Unstuck

by Grady King: Being a church leader is a high calling with great demands often punctuated with loneliness, self-doubt, and unrealistic expectations. Many leaders do not sleep well or experience sabbath. And it is not merely because of the present pandemic. Before COVID, the realities of an aging church demographic, a post-Christian culture, gender inclusion, […]

Three Groups of Church Leaders Close to My Heart

by Grady King: The following is in light of 15-20 hours of conversations, emails, texts, and video conferences with church leaders this past week—male and female. Without exception, lack of spiritual leadership, vision, courage, and poor processes are common topics. I am blessed to serve in HOPE Network listening, praying, encouraging, mentoring, guiding, sharing resources, […]

Charge to New Ministers Entering Ministry

by Grady King Congratulations! You have worked hard. You have done your share of late-night papers, projects and assignments. And, you have endured. Now what? No matter the path your take from here, church ministry, missions, Bible translation or The Academy, hold on to Christ, no matter what. Your vocation—your calling is to be IN […]

Fired! Terminated! Let go! (We’re going a different direction…”)

by Grady King– Say it anyway you want, termination is always difficult, no matter which side of the desk you are on. When it comes to the termination of a minister, the ramifications are legion for him, his family, the leadership and the church. In recent weeks I have listened to the gut wrenching stories […]

Some Honest Reflections on Ministry

by Grady King –  As you know, I am blessed to work with many church leaders in HOPE Network. Most of my time is spent coming alongside of ministers and elders. I cannot think of a time in my life that ministry is needed and more demanding emotionally. I found some notes from a farewell […]