Coaching & Mentoring
Sometimes leaders need a Barnabas for encouragement or Paul as a pastor-teacher. Sometimes, leaders need a David to face a giant or a Samuel to say, “You’re the man!” And sometimes, leaders need a Jeremiah – with fire in his bones – or an Isaiah to confront sin. Mentoring is all about a relationship of trust and growth coupled with an open and teachable spirit.
The first move of a consultant is to LISTEN, not TELL. With us, you get access to a network of resources and wisdom. It’s probably no surprise that the number one request for consulting is elder dynamics. It is not easy to function as a plurality of elders and adding ministers to the mix is particularly challenging: roles, expectations, personalities, and theology.
Interim Ministry (IMP)
A minister transition represents one of the most important periods in a church’s life. It helps to have someone guiding the process who knows the way. Our mission is to help churches through seasons of transition … to transition so effectively that those churches are transformed.
Leadership Marriage Care
When your marriage is NOT growing, it is safe to say that your ministry will become stagnant as well (If it isn’t already). We understand the importance of a healthy marriage in order to minister effectively. To most, your marriage is a stronger indicator of your witness than any other facet of your ministry. We also understand that people in leadership positions have few options when it comes to feeling safe enough to be able to openly share their struggles.