What Trends Are We Seeing?


By Grady King

There is a tendency to think that your congregation is the only one going through some challenging things. This sense of isolation opens the door for discouragement, even feeling overwhelmed. If you identify with these feelings, you are not alone.

We, in HOPE Network (HN) lead with listening as we engage in mentoring, consulting, and interim ministry. We keep our ears to the ground as we compare realities from varied contexts (rural, urban, suburban), and in and out of the “Bible Belt.”  One of the standard questions we asked on a quarterly basis is: What trends are you seeing? Here are common trends from fifteen people from HN in the trenches with congregations.


  • “Elders continue to be the key to church well being.”
  • “Leaders can get caught up in uncertainty and often timidity in how to lead their people. They know they need help, but sometimes talk endlessly or second guess themselves into doing nothing or opting for half measures.”
  • “Leaders are pushing themselves extremely hard and are hungry for spiritual formation and direction. There is a need for equipping in how to listen to God and discern his leading.”


  • “Some churches are beginning to have financial challenges related to declining numbers and facility issues (recent insurance increases and deferred maintenance).”
  • “I hear that budgets are tighter than in the past.”
  • “Budget demands translate to smaller staff and ministry budgets.”

Minister Pool

  • “A shrinking pool of qualified ministry candidates.”
  • “A decline of younger people interested in ministry as a career/calling.”
  • “Churches are struggling to fill ministry positions and are moving toward recruiting internally to fill specific positions on a part-time basis.
  • “College students and young adults may receive great ministry training at our universities. They are, however, less prepared emotionally and spiritually to mature during their college years and be prepared for leadership roles when they graduate.”
  • “Some ministers have noted post-COVID the significant change in the maturity of young adults/families in their congregations.”
There is a tendency to think that your congregation is the only one going through some challenging things. This sense of isolation opens the door for discouragement, even feeling overwhelmed. If you identify with these feelings, you are not alone.


  • “Complete dread regarding the presidential election and its impact on churches.”
    “Many Christians reticent in political activism this election cycle. Many have become disillusioned by making political leaders too important in their lives.”
  • “A complete disillusionment with ‘Nationalism” in the Evangelical world alongside of moral failures.”
  • “Social tensions related to political ideologies and rhetoric.”

Human Identity

  • How to navigate LGBTQ conversations and postures”
  • “A few churches are seeing some LGBTQ guests appreciate a kingdom focus with the preaching and teaching.”
  • “Our fellowship’s progressive branches are forming into two distinct identities—those with an orthodox view of sexuality and those with a high view of the human experience while seeking to maintain a high view of Scripture.”

Some Encouraging Observations

  • “Some desperate churches who have been stuck for decades are now more open to exploring creative and innovative options for the future.”
  • “A spirit of non-sectarianism continues to spread among a number of Churches of Christ.”
  • “A spiritual hunger and a searching among God’s people that transcends ‘denominational’ boundaries; a search for guidance from God’s Word in turbulent times.”
  • “Leaders willing to have conversations about women’s role, worship changes, and ethics.”
  • “A desire to implement biblical discipleship continues to resonate.”

HOPE Network is willing to walk alongside you as a leader and congregation.

It begins with a conversation.

You are not alone!

There is hope!

Contact us at info@hopenetworkministries.org or 214-586-0375.



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