Archive for Scott Laird

Finishing Well as Leaders

by Scott Laird Robert J. Clinton researched and wrote a lot about leaders and leadership development. The theory connected to his work is “Leadership Emergence Theory” based on research of biblical characters and modern Christian leaders. By 2012 he had processed over 7,000 case studies.[1] His theory argues that God works in sovereign and providential ways […]

Successions in Leadership

by Scott Laird   If you have been reading the Christian Chronicle lately you have noticed the preacher shortage in our fellowship. Individual congregations can make a difference in this struggle. Since 2000 the Great Falls church of Christ in Great Falls, Montana, has worked with nine men and their families to prepare them for […]

An Adaptive Change Project in Developing Leaders

by Scott Laird Are you feeling stuck as a church or a church leader? Your congregation has programs that run well but there is a sense that the church as a whole and many individuals have not discovered nor employed their spiritual gifts. As a mid-sized, program-based church in a mission field, our congregation must […]