by Scott Laird
Robert J. Clinton researched and wrote a lot about leaders and leadership development. The theory connected to his work is “Leadership Emergence Theory” based on research of biblical characters and modern Christian leaders. By 2012 he had processed over 7,000 case studies.[1] His theory argues that God works in sovereign and providential ways over time to foster spiritual, ministerial, and strategic formation.[2] He proposes that leadership develops as a function of time, God’s providential events in life, and an individual’s response to those events. His book, The Making of a Leader, provides a deep dive into this theory. Of special interest to this article is that his research indicated that only one out of every three leaders in the Bible, who we have enough information to see the end of their life, “finished well.”[3] This is a strong reminder that leadership is difficult, and few leaders finish well.[4]
- They maintain a personal vibrant relationship with God right up to the end.
- They maintain a learning posture and can learn from various sources – life especially.
- They manifest Christlikeness in character as evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.
- Truth is lived out in their lives so that convictions and promises of God are seen to be real.
- They leave behind one or more ultimate contributions.
- They walk with a growing awareness of a sense of destiny and see some or all of it fulfilled.
He also identifies six major barriers to finishing well that call for reflection.[6] These six are:
- Finances, their use and abuse
- Power, its abuse
- Pride which leads to downfall
- Illicit relationships
- Family, critical issues
- Plateauing
May these resources and lists provide some food for reflection and action as we strive to grow as leaders, help develop other leaders, and finish well. May the grace and peace of Christ be active in your work of being a leader who follows Christ.
[1] Reese, Deep Mentoring, 2012:23
[2] Clinton, Leadership Emergence Theory, 1989:9
[3] Clinton, The Making of a Leader, 2012:242
[4] Clinton, The Making of a Leader, 2012:186
[5] Clinton, The Making of a Leader, 2012:203-7
[6] Clinton, The Making of a Leader, 2012:207-10
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