HNM at Pepperdine Bible Lectures 2016

In May 2016, 10 of our 18 partners presented at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures on a variety of topics.  Click on the link below to hear their informative and inspirational presentations. 

pbl15_cover_keynote630xWednesday, May 4
8:30am-9:15am, AC 290
Co-Teachers: Dan Bouchelle, Jay Jarboe
Foundation Repair (Part 1: Overcoming Collapse Caused by Foundation Erosion)
Many churches around the world are in trouble because they don’t know why they exist. They repeat events of unclear purpose with diminishing results. We need more than strategies and tactics rooted in a culture and time that is passing away. We need to rediscover God’s mission.
2:30pm-3:15pm, AC 280
Teacher: Grady King
Leading Well without Losing Your Soul (Essential Habits for Church Leader Soul Care)
Leaders can be consumed with managing the church while ignoring the essence of who they are in Christ, individually and as a group. This class will consider what is “soul” and leading from a spiritual center.
2:30pm-3:15pm, Stauffer Chapel
Teacher: Chris Goldman
Tough Transitions (Helping Our Ministers)
Ministers face at least five key transitional moments in ministry. Hope Network has developed new resources that churches and ministers need to know about. However, these are also our friends and co-workers in Christ. How can we as friends, members and leaders be of most help?
3:30pm-4:15pm, AC 280
Co-Teachers: Tim Woodroof, Doug Peters, Phil Ware
Anxious Times, Non-Anxious Leaders (Keeping Your Head When All About are Losing Theirs) 
We live in anxious times. Transition on every front. New challenges to God’s people every day. Some of us believe the times are too stormy to be effective for the kingdom. Others of us see times like these as opportunities to make a transformative difference. The attitudes of leaders in anxious times is more critical to a church’s effectiveness than the times themselves.


Thursday, May 5
8:30am-9:15am, AC 290
Co-Teachers: Dan Bouchelle, Jay Jarboe
Foundation Repair (Part 2: A Process for Discerning God’s Mission and Vision)
This class will explain a practical process for re-establishing the vision of a church upon the 4 essential foundations that will enable the church to rediscover their purpose and advance a Kingdom agenda once again.
8:30am-9:15am, CAC 214
Co-Teachers: Jon Mullican, Jason Thompson
Visioning Together, Part 1 (How Church Leaders Can Discover and Resource God’s Vision for His People)
In these two classes, we will explore the ways church leadership groups can work together to discern what God has in store for their church. We will discuss proven visioning models as well as proven vision implementation and resourcing models and methods.
9:30am-10:15am, AC 280
Teacher: Jim Martin
Making Right Choices to Finish Well
 This class will focus on making critical choices, which will greatly impact your life in ministry.
1:30pm-2:15pm, AC 270
Co-Teachers: Evertt Huffard, Henry Huffard
Africa: Muslims, Christians, and the Elephant in the Room 
Because worldview shapes our values and behaviors it becomes the spiritual battleground for the Gospel in Africa – with everyone. Worldview is so difficult to change that the missionary experiences culture shock and the African experiences power encounters. The prevailing animistic (folk) worldview threatens the ideals of Islam and Christianity. However, the spirituality of the African worldview has contributed to the receptivity and rapid expansion of Christianity in Africa.
2:30pm-3:15pm, Stauffer Chapel
Teacher: Chris Goldman
Imagining A New Faith Facility
The Northwest Church in Seattle, WA has spent the last three years developing a new site and re-launching after 115 years. What could a new approach to a faith facility look like? This tells the story of our new site-launch and what we’ve learned about ministry through this process.
3:30pm-4:15pm, AC 280
Co-Teachers: Tim Woodroof, Doug Peters, Phil Ware
Is Your Church Dying? (Symptoms of Ailing Congregations)
How healthy (or how sick) is your congregation? Churches that can’t be honest and realistic about their true condition may find themselves recognizing dangerous symptoms too late. “Turn around” is never easy. But the earlier churches recognize symptoms of stagnation and decline, the more assertively they address such symptoms, the more likely it is that “turn around” can happen.


Friday, May 6
8:30am-9:15am, AC 290
Co-Teachers: Dan Bouchelle, Jay Jarboe
Foundation Repair (Part 3: A Unified Disciple-Making Strategy for the Whole Church)
This class will describe a simple and replicable process of making disciples than can be used in any setting to help churches move beyond institutional maintenance to kingdom expansion.
8:30am-9:15am, CAC 214
Co-Teachers: Jon Mullican, Jason Thompson
Visioning Together, Part 2 (How Church Leaders Can Discover and Resource God’s Vision for His People)
In these two classes, we will explore the ways church leadership groups can work together to discern what God has in store for their church. We will discuss proven visioning models as well as proven vision implementation and resourcing models and methods.
3:30pm-4:15pm, AC 280
Co-Teachers: Tim Woodroof, Doug Peters, Phil Ware
No Cookie-Cutter Preachers (Finding the Right Fit for Your Next Minister)
When it comes to the ministry of preaching, one size does not fit all. Your church has a particular mission, specific needs and opportunities. You require certain leadership skills and sensibilities to thrive. There is a preacher out there with your church’s name on him. How do you find him? How do you even know who to look for?