Online Giving


Many of your churches already use online giving. If you do use online giving and you are satisfied with your system, you can skip to the “Online Worship Service Resources” section below. If you are not using online giving, you should consider using it now – and it isn’t that difficult to set up. And you have complete control over whether someone uses their bank account, debit card or credit card.

Of course, members can always mail a check to the church, use bill pay through the bank, or set up electronic funds transfers from the bank (EFT). These services incur no fees and are usually the best method. Still, with those who are younger and used to online payments, online giving is another method that is very reliable using a smart phone or PC.

Many companies provide this service. Below are two reputable companies and a link to their site. This is information only and not direct endorsements of these companies.

  • Subsplash – Low cost system with solid customer service and methods of receiving funds (phone, PC, Mac). Website: 206-965-8090
  • – is used by large and small churches and states it is the #1 giving site for churches. (Phone, PC/Mac). Website: 424-644- 3120

Getting set up with these or other companies is straightforward and simple. Setting up online giving now will allow all who have a computer or smartphone to provide their tithes and offerings to the church from anywhere. This link provides a guide for selecting a company to use

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