Survey Registration Form

If you would like your congregation to take this survey crafted by ACU and HOPE Network Ministries, please complete the form below. After your form has been received and processed, you will receive an email from Suzie Macaluso (Associate Professor at Abilene Christian University) containing further instructions and a survey link to send to the members of your congregation. After the survey window is closed, Dr. Macaluso will send you the results to share with others. This survey is provided free-of-charge as a service to churches and their leaders.

  • *Please type the FULL name of your Church, instead of a common abbreviation (e.g. Highland Oaks Church of Christ, instead of Highland Oaks or HOCC)
  • *You will be our primary contact. As such, you will receive the survey link as well as the results of the survey.

The data you submit on this form (not just the data from the assessment itself) will be used only by Suzie Macaluso and Hope Network Ministries. It will not be sold, shared, or otherwise disclosed to any other parties.