Archive for Church Renewal – Page 3

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season (part 4 – conclusion)

by Tim Woodroof A Question of Leadership Of course, opportunities are not the same as realities. Though every transitioning church could experience these blessings, not all of them actually will. The difference boils down to leadership. Wise leaders look for and grasp the opportunities that present themselves during the interim season. Foolish leaders ignore or […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season (part 3)

by Tim Woodroof The Opportunity- continued from part 2 As uncomfortable as a ministerial transition can be for a church, the opportunities that open up are exciting. Stable churches are comfortable churches. They don’t reinvent themselves. They don’t “rock the boat.” They don’t ask unnecessary questions. The status quo is protected, even venerated. But churches […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season (part 2)

by Tim Woodroof The Opportunity As uncomfortable as a ministerial transition can be for a church, the opportunities that open up are exciting. Stable churches are comfortable churches. They don’t reinvent themselves. They don’t “rock the boat.” They don’t ask unnecessary questions. The status quo is protected, even venerated. But churches in transition don’t have […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season

by Tim Woodroof Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change–this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; Out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope.  And, out of hope, progress!  -Bruce Barton- The loss of a pulpit minister almost always triggers feelings of uncertainty, doubt, insecurity, and anxiety in members […]

Soul Care for Church Leaders (Part 3 of 3)

From Isolation to Community by Bob Clark “It’s the other people in our lives who offer the best opportunities to overcome instinctive, deep-rooted sin.” — Frederica Mathewes-Green Moving from isolation to community is the second part of a life-giving holy rhythm that can feed a church leader’s soul. By community I mean church leaders opening […]

Soul Care for Church Leaders (Part 2 of 3)

From Busyness to Solitude By Bob Clark “The best thing a person can bring to leadership is his or her own transforming self.” — Ruth Haley Barton Moving from busyness to solitude is the first part of a life-giving holy rhythm that can feed a church leader’s soul. By solitude I mean withdrawing from the […]

Soul Care for Church Leaders (Part 1 of 3)

by Bob Clark “The soul-wreckage among those who work with souls is appalling.”  Eugene Peterson All church leaders need a spiritual root system to provide the nourishment needed to lead the church faithfully and effectively, to live a lifestyle consistent with their profession of faith, and to love God and people as they lead. While there […]

Creating Environments for Spiritual Formation in Your Church (Part 3 of 3)

By Jimmy Adcox   Develop an Intentional, Ongoing Plan for Your Unique Ministry Setting Spiritual growth is not a linear, step-by-step process, but it does require intentionality and focus. Programs and events may contribute to environments for growth, but for maximum impact, spiritual-growth practices must be embedded in the fabric of the church culture. Spiritual […]

Creating Environments for Spiritual Formation in Your Church (Part 2 of 3)

By Jimmy Adcox      Initiate Congregational Assessment and Education While assessments are certainly not essential to helping churches become environments for spiritual formation, congregational assessments can help you be more aware and more intentional. They can also provide a benchmark for future progress. We have found the REVEAL Survey (developed by the Willow Creek […]

Creating Environments for Spiritual Formation in Your Church (Part 1 of 3)

  by Jimmy Adcox   Spiritual formation has been a hot topic in many circles over the last several years. Ancient practices have gained popular attention again. When Richard Foster wrote his Celebration of Discipline in 1978, it was a rare book and a “voice in the wilderness.” Now, hundreds of books have been published on […]