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June 2016 Newsletter

June 2016 Newsletter_Page_1This issue includes:
  1. Faithful Mentors Inspire Hope Which Keeps Us Trying
  2. Managing Minister Transitions
  3. Principles of Shepherd-Selection Process

Click here or on the newsletter image for all of the info and details!

HOPE Network in the News

hopenetwork2HOPE Network co-leaders, Grady King and Jon Mullican, were recently interviewed by The Christian Chronicle and asked to discuss the WORK of HN. Click below to read what they had to say about the importance of a clear governance structure, how HOPE Network consults with churches and mentors leaders…and much more.

Why Some Church Elders Have  Trouble Making Decisions by Bobby Ross Jr. (The Christian Chronicle) 

March 2016 Newsletter

Newletter March 2016This issue includes:
  1. The Breadth and Depth of HOPE Network
  2. Partner Spotlight: Jason Thompson
  3. Details about how HOPE Network will be involved at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures

Click here or on the newsletter image for all of the info and details!