This morning, I’m thinking about you — a church leader. You may be a minister in some role in a congregation. Maybe you preach each Sunday.
So much of what you do takes place away from public view.
Most ministers I know work very hard. You have a sermon to finish preparing. You have an appointment this afternoon. You have to go by the hospital. On and on it goes.
You are constantly preparing. Preparing a sermon, a talk, or a presentation of some kind. You are thinking about what you will say to that elder, to that person who wants to meet with you this afternoon, and to one of your co-workers.
Much of this takes place away from public view.
Meanwhile you are talking and praying with people who have cancer or who are going into surgery. You speak words at a funeral. You have a conversation with a man or woman who is trying to muster enough courage to take a few steps forward in a very difficult life.
Much of this takes place away from public view.
In the midst of a very busy life, some ministers feel as if they are not valued by others within their congregation. In fact, they may feel taken for granted. Some of these ministers serve very large congregations. Others serve small congregations. The feeling may be very real regardless of the congregation or setting.
Two suggestions:
1. Spend regular time in solitude and silence before God. Regular times of silence (away from email, texts, blogs, etc.) are very important. Spending this time with God can bring clarity and calmness into your life.
2. Consider your calling. Ministry is not about employment, career enhancement, or advancement. Rather, it is a calling from God to serve. It may be a calling from God to serve in a particular role for a particular time. Our calling is about obedience to the one who is using us for his purposes. His affirmation and pleasure are life-giving and more important than what any human being can offer.
Know that what you do matters. What takes place away from public view matters, and what takes place before others matters.
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