A Strategy for Leadership Development

by Jay Jarboe

What does a strategy look like to develop spiritual leaders?
Spiritual leadership development seems to be on everyone’s mind and in our conversations. However, very few have an intentional strategy for developing emerging leaders for the next generation.  What does a strategy look like to develop spiritual leaders? 

We need to ask: What is our end goal? What type of leaders are we seeking to build? We sometimes answer with words like “strong, spiritual, servant.” The reality is that we often have not taken the time to clearly define the qualities of a spiritual leader biblically. This leads to a nebulous idea of a leader who is often influenced by our secular world or our personal preferences and does not address the qualities of a leader in God’s kingdom. 

Malcolm Webber provides us with a holistic picture of a spiritual leader in his ConneXions “5C” model. “A healthy Christian leader knows God (Christ), was formed and lives in a supportive and accountable community (Community), has integrity (Character), knows the purpose of God and shares it with credibility, clarity and passion (Calling), and has the necessary gifts, skills, and knowledge to lead the people in the accomplishment of this purpose (Competencies) – and is continually growing in all five areas.”[1]

I invite you to consider Webber’s ConneXions “5C” model[2] as you seek to intentionally develop transformational leaders. 



[1] Malcolm Webber, LeaderSource, www.leadersource.org.
[2] ConneXions 5C Model



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