Survey of Members’ Thoughts on Meeting Together

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by Suzie Macaluso and Hope Network/Interim Ministry Partners

As congregational leaders, we can meet on a video conference and make decisions about the first gatherings of our churches in a post-COVID-19 world. But why not listen to our people as we prepare … to see what they’re thinking … to gauge their levels of fear and anxiety … to know how they will react as they emerge from their isolation cocoon?

We have created a survey that allows you (as congregational leaders) to do just that. It is brief, focused, and timely. Click here to view a PDF of the survey. 

There are two ways to conduct this survey:
  • You can DIY this … set up these questions on a personal SurveyMonkey account (or use a service like Google FormsTypeformNinjaForms) and send a link out to your members. You certainly have our permission to do that.
  • You can take advantage of a version of this survey provided by Suzie Macaluso (Associate Professor of Abilene Christian University), a free service offered in the spirit of support and a desire to research what is happening on this question in churches and members across the country. Suzie has set up this survey on an existing SurveyMonkey account and is eager to make it available to you and your members. If you are a congregational leader and are interested in this option, click on the button below.

In times like these, leaders need to be the best listeners possible. This survey is an attempt to help congregational leaders listen better.

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