Archive for Vision & Mission

Engaging the Future as Leaders and Congregations

by Grady D. King, D.Min Most leaders and congregations know the term “normal” means the future will not be like the past. What it looks like in terms of people in the pew, programs, and mission is uncertain. The loss of regular attendees is a pandemic reality. Empty pews translate to anxiety. If we only […]

Characteristics of an Aligned Team

by Greg Anderson –  Have you ever been part of a team that is rowing in the same direction? It is a wonderful thing to experience. Everyone has embraced a specific vision and aligned head and heart with it. They have articulated a mission to help them get there. Enthusiasm is potent, all things seems […]

Checking Your Church’s Alignment

by Greg Anderson – Matthew 22:36-40 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is […]

The Blessing of Stubbornness

by Greg Anderson Stubborn: “Having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.” I typically consider “stubborn” as a negative attribute, but when it comes to a church’s mission I think a little stubbornness might be a key ingredient […]

What I Learned about Church from a TED Talk (part 2)

The Golden Circle and Church I suggest most of our churches (and many of our leaders) are perfectly conditioned to be ordinary. We have been trained to “sell” our “product” based on What and How rather than Why. “Hey, we do church right here. Our name is right. Our organizational model is right. We worship […]

What I Learned about Church from a TED Talk (part 1)

In 2009, Simon Sinek spoke to an audience of 50 people on the subject of “How great leaders inspire action.” TED (conferences on Technology, Entertainment, and Design) video-taped the event. From such humble beginnings, Sinek’s speech went on to become the second most-watched presentation on If you haven’t see the speech, here’s the link. It’s […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season (part 4 – conclusion)

by Tim Woodroof A Question of Leadership Of course, opportunities are not the same as realities. Though every transitioning church could experience these blessings, not all of them actually will. The difference boils down to leadership. Wise leaders look for and grasp the opportunities that present themselves during the interim season. Foolish leaders ignore or […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season (part 3)

by Tim Woodroof The Opportunity- continued from part 2 As uncomfortable as a ministerial transition can be for a church, the opportunities that open up are exciting. Stable churches are comfortable churches. They don’t reinvent themselves. They don’t “rock the boat.” They don’t ask unnecessary questions. The status quo is protected, even venerated. But churches […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season (part 2)

by Tim Woodroof The Opportunity As uncomfortable as a ministerial transition can be for a church, the opportunities that open up are exciting. Stable churches are comfortable churches. They don’t reinvent themselves. They don’t “rock the boat.” They don’t ask unnecessary questions. The status quo is protected, even venerated. But churches in transition don’t have […]

Reframing “Opportunity” in the Interim Season

by Tim Woodroof Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change–this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; Out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope.  And, out of hope, progress!  -Bruce Barton- The loss of a pulpit minister almost always triggers feelings of uncertainty, doubt, insecurity, and anxiety in members […]