Archive for Healthy Church – Page 2

Church Leadership & Difficult People – When Being Nice is Not Enough

by Grady King – Charles Schultz is on one my favorite theologians. What he communicated through Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Lucy reached millions of peopl  “There’s nothing you need more than Christ.”  “Keep looking up…that’s the secret of life.” “Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it.  Take a deep breath and trust in God.” For […]

When a Leader Falls into Sexual Sin

by Grady King –   I am sad, concerned and humbled. In recent months, five ministers I know have succumbed to some form of sexual sin. The sin is often a symptom of long lived and deep rooted issues.  From what I know, all but one has sought counsel and reconciliation with their spouse. They […]

The Indispensables of Courageous Leadership

by Grady King  –  Getting stuck as a church leader or as a leader group is frustrating and exhausting.  And no matter what we say to the church, they know we are stuck. They feel it, experience it and yearn for things to be different. Over time, a stuck leadership will drain the energy of a […]

Texting as a Spiritual Discipline

by Amanda Box I’ve observed over the last 25 years that scapegoats are really popular. When I was growing up television was the major evil, blamed for all sorts of unhealthy human behaviors. Interestingly enough, in college, as a communication major, my research revealed that television wasn’t the first scapegoat. Movies preceded television. Radio preceded […]

What I Wish They Understood: The Elder-Minister Relationship

by Grady King “My elders just don’t get it.”  “The preacher needs to understand that long after he is gone, the elders remain.  Sound familiar? Without a doubt, the role of a minister and elder overlap and are complimentary, or should be.  Both ministers and elders are to give themselves to teaching, equipping and caring […]

Is Your Church Life-Giving?

by Grady King – A good friend, deeply committed to Christ and serving others visited a church where his parents worship. As he spoke about his experience, I said, “Doesn’t sound like it was very life-giving.”  He said, “Exactly, that’s it.” How is it that a church who teaches the Bible, believes in Jesus Christ—his […]

Digging in the Dirt with Leaders & Churches Part III – Followship in a Consumer Culture

by Grady King People want leadership. People don’t want leadership.  As long as leaders are doing what I think they ought to do, I will follow. If not, I will be present to some degree, but not necessarily support or follow.[1] It’s certainly not God’s idea of leading or following. Churches are in need of […]

Shifting Focus

by Amanda Box I saw the movie Wonder yesterday, which tells the story of August Pullman, a boy with facial differences who enters fifth grade, attending a mainstream elementary school for the first time. Because of the irregularities of his face, Auggie wears an astronaut’s helmet much of the time to avoid the stares and awkward comments […]

Digging in the Dirt with Leaders & Churches Part II – Healthy, Mature Leaders & Churches

By Grady King –  When a child throws a temper tantrum it’s obvious. When a parent chooses to appease the child to control the tantrum, the child is in charge. If the parent reacts, expresses anger, the child will push the button again. And the cycle continues. Without guidance, teaching and modeling of what is […]

Digging in the Dirt with Leaders & Churches

by Grady King –   It’s my life to be helpful to leaders and churches. It’s both blessing and burden.  Prayerful, humble listening, observing, and analyzing goes with the territory. So does “speaking the truth in love” (Eph 4.15)—passage about relationships, character, maturity—of growing up in Christ. It’s not always comfortable and there is plenty of […]